Lily-Anne’s Story

The ‘We’re Different’ Club: Part 2

Warning: Read Part 1 first!

Hey there, humans. I say that like I’m not. Well, guess what. I’m not. I’m part alien, from the planet Meow. Everyone there is part cat. We have cat ears, eyes, paws, whiskers, fur, but everything else about us is human. That makes it way easier to adjust to life on Earth. I came here when I was a little fuzzball baby, with wispy brown hair.

I’m 12 now, with think blonde hair, and I’m surprisingly the most popular in school. That sounds like I’m boasting, doesn’t it? I don’t have to enjoy being popular, though. I just stick with it because I love the friends I’ve made. They all know I like popularity, but not too much.

Unlike my best friend. She’s very shy around new people, but she’s so outgoing when she knows the people. I know that she’s been secretly obsessed with flying since we were babies. She knows that I adore Harry Potter as much as I love sports. My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, only because my favorite character’s in it. Nymphadora Tonks, who prefers to be known by her last name only.

I love Tonks because she is stylish (like me!) and can change her appearance at will. I love to do that. It’s like my secret trait. Of course, Alice knows about it. Oh, didn’t I tell you? She’s my best friend. She’s coming over later today. We’re working on something together.

Anyways, as I was saying, I love changing my appearance. You probably don’t believe me. Huh. People never do. Let me tell you how I found out…

It was a lovely fall evening, perfect for sports. After tennis practice, I settled down to reread Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (for the thousandth time) and wished and wished that I could change my appearance like Tonks does. I decided, that if I can’t really do that, I would have to pretend.

I rolled off my bean bag and put on my Harry Potter robes. I sat in front of the violet mirror, scrunching up my nose. Concentrating so hard that my eyes closed, I wiggled my nose ever so slightly. I heard a faint pop. I opened my eyes… and fell off my chair!

Instead of grey fur, I had white! My eyes were greenish instead of blue! My ears were shorter and more pointy! My hair… it was short wavy red-brown instead of straight long blonde! I nearly screamed, but this was so cool! I wondered if I was dreaming, but I didn’t recall going to sleep. Nevertheless, I pinched my arm.

“Owww!” I exclaimed. “Nope, definitely not sleeping.” I decided to try again. I was going to take off my robe (because I was burning) when I noticed… I wasn’t wearing it! My tennis shorts and shirt had transformed into my dream dress, a long silky pink-blue dress. I was admiring it, when my mom walked in.

“Hey, LA. What happened to you?” she asked.

“Um, I don’t know, mom. I just scrunched up my nose and wiggled it. And then I transformed into this. Is this bad?” I replied.

My mom smiled. Her face was a picture of pride. “Come on, Lily-Anne. Let’s go show your father.”

Alice: I Can Fly!

The ‘We’re Different’ Club: Part 1

All little kids want to fly. I do, too, ever since I was three. My mother has a video of little curly-haired me in fairy wings with ‘Alice’ (my name) and a purple net skirt screaming “Fly, fly, FLIE!” That was when I thought that if I concentrated enough, I would suddenly soar. I dreamed about that for years.

Now I’m 12, and I still dream about that. Laugh all you want. I can actually fly now. Oh, sure I’m lying. Well…

One fall evening, I was at the park with my mom, my plaguy little brother Romeo and Creampuff, my little Cockapoo dog. Romeo and Creampuff were running around crazily and sliding and repeating, so I wandered off to the swings and sat there, just wondering about life.

I stared up at the blue sky, the marshmallow clouds, the gliding birds, the bright sun, and I imagined. I imagined myself there, in the sky, on the clouds, with the birds, near the sun. I willed every inch of my body, every nerve, every fiber, to rise higher and higher.

“Those marshmallows sure seem to be getting bigger and bigger.” I thought. I was starting to feel hot, too, but that could have been because of my hoodie. I took it off, and in doing so, looked down. I nearly screamed!

Instead of seeing green grass under my sapphire blue shoes, I saw the whole playground! Instead of hearing children playing and swings creaking, I heard the chirruping of birds! All of a sudden, my short hair felt wet. I slowly extended my hand up and touched the freezing cloud above me.

Realization hit me in the face like Romeo’s pie-in-the-face trick. I was flying! “I’m actually truly flying!” my brain screamed. I was shocked and pinched myself to verify that this was happening and not a dream.

“I wonder…” I leaned to the left. My body flew left. I tried with the right. I flew to the right. I grinned as I had finally learned to fly! “Woohoo!” I yelled as I did a loop-de-loop. I pointed upwards, braced myself, and… WHOOSH! I was above the clouds! The view was even better than the one you see from an airplane. It was colder than an airplane too. I fumbled with my hoodie, but it’s hard to put a hoodie on when you’re levitating on the clouds.

Looking down , I felt dizzy, so I swooped down and whizzed around the park, my straight hair on my face. I know that Creampuff started barking at the sight of me, but luckily, no one noticed. I raced him to the end of the park and back to the slides. Romeo was staring at me open-mouthed, his freckled face an expression of shock. “Hi, Rome, bye, Rome!” I giggled at his shock.

“See ya!” I shot off into the sky like a rocket, leaving a confused Romeo and an ecstatic brown puppy.

“Was that Alice?” I heard Romeo asked Creampuff, and I laughed like crazy. This was so much fun! I still couldn’t believe it. I had to tell someone. And I knew exactly who I had to tell.

Princess Stella and the Dragon

Once upon a time there lived a big purple dragon. His name was Ernest, and he loved only one thing: gold. He loved gold so much that he would steal from the citizens of Catistan and store it in his cave in the mountains. He would selfishly keep that gold, never sharing it, never using it, just keeping it. Forever. As a result, the cats of Catistan hated him very much.

The story of the infamous dragon soon reached the cat ears of Princess Stella, the beautiful ruler of Catistan. She was loved and respected by her subjects. “It’s the golden-hearted princess!” they would yell to each other as she passed by in her golden carriage, and then they would go and cheer and bow to her.

When Princess Stella heard about greedy Ernest, she was angry and annoyed by his actions. She thought, and soon she came up with a plan. She announced to her cats, “I shall go to stop Ernest and get back our gold. I promise, when I return, he shall never disturb us again!”

“Prin-cess Ste-lla! Prin-cess Ste-lla!” the crowd chanted and cheered as she returned to her castle. She went to her bedroom, and, with a sigh, she changed from her gorgeous coral pink gown to stylish shiny armor. She also packed a black rucksack with food, healing ointments, and, strangely, plastic goblets and plates painted gold.

Princess Stella went all the way to Ernest’s cave, and put her plan into action. She sat at the foot of the mountain and calmly started arranging the goblets and plates and setting out the food. As she had hoped, the smell of juicy chicken and tender meat woke the dragon up. He sat up, rubbed his eyes, and sniffed hungrily. “Ahh… what a lovely smell of food! I must have some!” exclaimed Ernest. He flew down to where Princess Stella was siting.

It took all of Princess Stella’s strength not to run away screaming like a toddler when she saw Ernest. Nevertheless, she shouted, with her sword in her hand, “You monster! You steal from my cats and keep it. You have no shame, beast. You’re a coward!”

“Coward, am I? Thief, am I? Fight me, if you dare, princess. Then we’ll see who’s the coward here.” boasted Ernest. “I’m too strong for you, anyways.”

“A fight you want, a fight you’ll get!” said Princess Stella, running towards him with her sword and stabbed him everywhere she could. They fought for ages. At last, a bleeding, smirking Ernest spotted the gleaming goblets and plates. He greedily grabbed them and flew back to his cave.

Little did he know, the paint used on the goblets and plates was magic, and would cause minor burns and ugly warts. So, when the dragon started flapping his wings, a scream, loud and long, escaped from his mouth, and he fell down. Hard.

Even though he was mean, kind Princess Stella ran to him as fast as she could and began healing his cuts and warts and bumps with her ointments. The dragon opened his eyes and watched the princess work, and he asked, “Why are you helping me? I was mean and greedy. I don’t deserve your help.”

Princess Stella smiled. “If you’re bad doesn’t mean you can’t be good,” she said, “and I know that you can be nice if you want to.”

Ernest grinned widely. Her words made a difference to him. “I’m sorry for what I did now. I want to return the gold I stole.” he promised. He let Princess Stella onto his back, and they gathered all the gold he had stolen over the years. They caused quite a commotion when they landed, but after Princess Stella explained what happened, the cats calmed down, forgave Ernest, and joyously received their gold back.

Ernest wasn’t greedy or mean anymore, and Princess Stella and Ernest became good friends. They lived happily ever after. The End!