Alice: I Can Fly!

The ‘We’re Different’ Club: Part 1

All little kids want to fly. I do, too, ever since I was three. My mother has a video of little curly-haired me in fairy wings with ‘Alice’ (my name) and a purple net skirt screaming “Fly, fly, FLIE!” That was when I thought that if I concentrated enough, I would suddenly soar. I dreamed about that for years.

Now I’m 12, and I still dream about that. Laugh all you want. I can actually fly now. Oh, sure I’m lying. Well…

One fall evening, I was at the park with my mom, my plaguy little brother Romeo and Creampuff, my little Cockapoo dog. Romeo and Creampuff were running around crazily and sliding and repeating, so I wandered off to the swings and sat there, just wondering about life.

I stared up at the blue sky, the marshmallow clouds, the gliding birds, the bright sun, and I imagined. I imagined myself there, in the sky, on the clouds, with the birds, near the sun. I willed every inch of my body, every nerve, every fiber, to rise higher and higher.

“Those marshmallows sure seem to be getting bigger and bigger.” I thought. I was starting to feel hot, too, but that could have been because of my hoodie. I took it off, and in doing so, looked down. I nearly screamed!

Instead of seeing green grass under my sapphire blue shoes, I saw the whole playground! Instead of hearing children playing and swings creaking, I heard the chirruping of birds! All of a sudden, my short hair felt wet. I slowly extended my hand up and touched the freezing cloud above me.

Realization hit me in the face like Romeo’s pie-in-the-face trick. I was flying! “I’m actually truly flying!” my brain screamed. I was shocked and pinched myself to verify that this was happening and not a dream.

“I wonder…” I leaned to the left. My body flew left. I tried with the right. I flew to the right. I grinned as I had finally learned to fly! “Woohoo!” I yelled as I did a loop-de-loop. I pointed upwards, braced myself, and… WHOOSH! I was above the clouds! The view was even better than the one you see from an airplane. It was colder than an airplane too. I fumbled with my hoodie, but it’s hard to put a hoodie on when you’re levitating on the clouds.

Looking down , I felt dizzy, so I swooped down and whizzed around the park, my straight hair on my face. I know that Creampuff started barking at the sight of me, but luckily, no one noticed. I raced him to the end of the park and back to the slides. Romeo was staring at me open-mouthed, his freckled face an expression of shock. “Hi, Rome, bye, Rome!” I giggled at his shock.

“See ya!” I shot off into the sky like a rocket, leaving a confused Romeo and an ecstatic brown puppy.

“Was that Alice?” I heard Romeo asked Creampuff, and I laughed like crazy. This was so much fun! I still couldn’t believe it. I had to tell someone. And I knew exactly who I had to tell.

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