The Two Best Friends by Tooba

Once upon a time, there was a chipmunk named Brittany and a panda named Penny. They went to the same school and they were in the same class. One day, they had to colour together. Penny wasn’t sharing the crayons, so Brittany became sad. She told their teacher, Ms. Lara, who punished Penny. Penny was crying, so Ms. Lara told the girls kindly that they should say sorry. “I’m sorry, Brittany, for taking the crayons from you.” said Penny. “It was only a joke” she added. “Do you want to come to my house to play toss the ball?” said Brittany. “My mother said no.” said Penny. “What? So, can I come to your house instead?” said Brittany. They played all day and became best friends.

The End
