Technology Tuna

It all started when I (Tuna, or Tuana) learned how technology feels like when I was 9 years old.

I saw some lights from a lamp. I tried to touch it, but I got shocked. After 1 hour, I woke up, touched the light again, and teleported to a place made of electronics! Someone appeared in front of me, and I noticed she looked like the Facebook app! I dashed to a nearby house – which had my name on, so it belonged to me – to the mirror, and saw myself as an app too! I was going to be known as the app: TunaPhish (tuna pish)!

What was the app TunaPhish about? Fish! There were many other apps appearing suddenly, and a few apps were disappearing for some reason. Suddenly, I realised something: I was a downloaded app in a Samsung S8 edge!

Suddenly, Facebook started talking to me. She was wearing a blue jersey with an f on it.  “Hi, I’m Facebook!  Popular is my middle name. What’s yours?” “Tuna Phish. Fish is my hobby. Hence the name: Tuna! My friend Amal called me that, so now my permanent nickname is Tuna Phish! Then ‘Tuna Phish’ got famous so then this app named ‘Tuna Phish’ got created!” I replied.

WhatsApp came jogging by and stopped to say hi. “I’m Tuna Phish,” I said, shaking her hand. Her green jeans looked very stylish with her white earrings. As I wondered where did she find those jeans, she went on talking about this, that, and everything in her head. “Why does WhatsApp talk so fast and so much?” I asked Facebook. “Because she is WhatsApp! She is supposed to be chatty.” said Facebook.

WhatsApp finally stopped talking because  Google was strolling toward us. He smiled at me and said “New app, eh? Well, Tuna Phish, I hope you will be happy.” “How do you know my name?” I asked. Instead of speaking, he smiled and straightened his multi-colored tie. “He is a search engine. That’s why.” said WhatsApp, speaking normally this time.

Google looked serious. “There is a virus running around. Be careful. I don’t want anyone to catch it.” He announced this into a microphone that suddenly appeared. Everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and stared at Google, for they knew that a virus could damage their system.

Snapchat and Instagram appeared and began reporting a mystery after a brief hello to me. “Bing’s missing. We can’t find him anywhere.” stated Snapchat, doing her neon yellow shoelaces. Instagram nodded, and mentioned that Bing wasn’t in the App Store, or the Chat Bar, or the edge (which was a bit like the beach) and he knows, because he searched there very thoroughly. “He and I are best friends, but he’s occasionally mad at something. I think that’s why Bing’s missing…” he finished as Google had started talking. “He is jealous because I’m a more popular search engine.”

Yahoo wandered into our group. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to overhear, but Bing has just – poof – disappeared! The last time I saw him was near the App Store.’’ she admitted, followed by a friendly greeting to me. She adjusted her purple and white sport shirt, and she asked us if we thought anything was suspicious.

“Bing’s missing, a virus running around, and Bing vanishing near the App Store. Yes, there is definitely something fishy going on. Get it?  Fishy? TunaPhish speaking? Ha ha ha!” I giggled at the last part as I spoke. “Shouldn’t we go to the App Store? I have a feeling the shop keeper has something to do with it.”said WhatsApp. The others nodded in agreement.

So off to the store we went. On the way, we met Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Twitter fluttered her gorgeous blue wings when I told them about Bing and where we were heading. Pinterest immediately pinned it down (no surprise). YouTube asked me something which I forgot. Anyway, our talk continued until we reached the Store where Wikipedia greeted us and grinned at me.

“What do you need? I got everything in here.” he asked. Then he nodded gravely as Pinterest told him about Bing. “Bing pleaded that he wanted to disappear from ‘that popular Google’. I told him gently that the only way to disappear is by getting deleted, and I couldn’t delete him. He got so mad that he changed into something…” “What? What did he turn into?” I asked excitedly. Why, I thought, this info is very useful! Unfortunately, he shook his head sadly and told us all that … he forgot.

“Come on! You’ve got to think!” shouted Facebook. A babble of words rose from the group. “Hey, Wiki, what do you know about the virus?” asked Snapchat. Google answered instead. “It’s red, it has great speed, and – what? – it’s … it’s … Bing?!” he spluttered. “What?!” exclaimed everyone.

And so our search for the viru – no, wait, Bing – began! But little did we know that we were also being tracked down! Bing must have found our tracks because as soon as we reached the edge of the Samsung S8, having searched the Chat Bar before (boy, it was crowded!), Instagram (who we had made lookout) shouted out, “I spy with my little eye something that looks horribly like THE VIRUS!”

Sure enough, a red virus was rushing towards us. Fire rose from his head. When Bing approached us, he looked around and saw Google, who was looking scared at Bing’s angry face. “AAAAGGGGRRRRHHHH!” screamed Bing. He grew so red that I thought that he would burst from rage. Well, he did.

He popped out of his red cover and, surprisingly, gave us a smile. He strolled to Google, who looked very surprised and scared, although he started grinning when Bing spoke. “I’m sorry for the trouble I caused. Are we friends now?” I couldn’t believe it! Suddenly, I was all ears. Google nodded, and a great cheer arose. Everyone was screaming and grinning and yelling for Bing, who was hoisted up on Wiki and Insta’s shoulders and was looking as pleased as could be.

After the laughter died down, I introduced myself to Bing very carefully. Then, Bing and Google (they’re inseparable now) gave me the choice of either going home or staying with them. I explained to them that I love it here, but I need to go back home. “Why don’t you take this home?” said WhatsApp. She was holding a lamp, identical to the one which took me there. “Touch it, and you’ll go back and you’ll also reappear here.’’ “Thank you ever so much!” I replied with joy. I touched it, and waved goodbye to my friends, all of them, Facebook, WhatsApp, Google, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Bing, as a swirling golden mist took me away.

One day, maybe I’ll go again. But for now, I’d better enjoy the adventures that I know will come. Now, what’s next?

None of the names in this, except Tuna Phish, are by me.

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